Monday, March 5, 2012


Yup! Because I am Indonesian, so the first country I would like to post in this blog is INDONESIA! :)

The country that is rich of islands has been well known in the world! Because there are so many islands in Indonesia, so that Indonesia was known as an Archipelago Country. There are five main islands in Indonesia; Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua, and others are the medium and small island that is scattered in every area in Indonesia! Wow! Can you imagine how wonderful this country is! ;)

Well, actually Indonesia is a country located in Southeast Asia. Together with 9 other countries, Indonesia incorporated into a regional organization named ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). Many things can we discussed about Indonesia. But, of course the things I will discuss here is not all, folks! Only things that related to traveling! Whoohooo….! Can’t wait to explore Indonesia?? Come on, follow me! ;)

Located in hemisphere with the astronomical position: 6ºLU - 11ºLS and 95ºBT - 141ºBT make some cities and islands in Indonesia are traversed by the equator! Pontianak (West Kalimantan) and Bonjol (West Sumatra) are the cities traversed by the Equator. Moreover, the Equator is also traverses some islands in Indonesia, they are: The Batu Islands, Sumatra, the Lingga Islands, Borneo, Sulawesi, Kayoa and Halmahera Islands, Gebe Islands. How interesting! Some other impression thing of Indonesia’s location is because Indonesia is flanked by two large continents: Asia and Australia, and two large oceans: Pacific and Indian.

Indonesia has a tropical climate, so that Indonesia is also rich in tropical forests. There are many types of plants and animals that can be found in Indonesia, and one of rare animals in the world is also exist in this country, KOMODO!  The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), also known as the Komodo monitor, can be found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, Gili Motang and Gili Dasami. Here, you can visit Indonesia’s Komodo National Park that was built to protect the Komodo dragon. Komodo was being the finalist of The New 7 Wonders in the World! Wanna vote? Visit:  .
There are also so many tropical fruits in Indonesia. The land in Indonesia is fertile, so it is suitable to plant various kinds of plants here. :)

In addition, Indonesia also rich in culture! Just imagine, there are hundreds of tribes in Indonesia! And each tribe has a different language and culture! However, we are all one, INDONESIA! That’s why, in Indonesia we have a famous slogan called “BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA”, means “Though many different, but we are One!” Each tribe is scattered in all regions in Indonesia. And this makes each region in Indonesia is unique; food, dance, language, customs and culture, even more the product of work of each tribe! That’s why this country so amazing! Don’t you amaze with all of these things?

Well, beside rich in culture, Indonesia is also rich in natural object that can become tourist attractions! There are beaches, lakes, waterfalls, hot springs, mountains, islands, rivers, marine parks, and historic sites! WOW! Really exciting, huh?! Therefore, Indonesia is very suitable for the traveler who wants to explore the beauty of nature and also want to learn new culture!

Because there are so many places to go in Indonesia, so I will divide the traveling information into several posts. Keep follow my postings in this blog! Happy Traveling! God bless you! \(^_^)/ 


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